Tag Archives: horns

Modern Art Monday Presents: Georgia O’Keeffe, Goat’s Horns With Blue

goats horns with blue photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

In this work of pastel on paper, Goat’s Horns With Blue (1945), Georgia O’Keefe treats the spiral of a goat’s horn as both subject and lens, exploring its distinct materiality, and using it to frame the sky beyond. She found such horns and bones, which she collected in the new Mexican desert, to be “most wonderful against the blue — that blue that will always be there as it is now after all man’s destruction is finished” (a likely reference to World War II, which ended the year this work was made). Continue reading Modern Art Monday Presents: Georgia O’Keeffe, Goat’s Horns With Blue

Satan Shower Cap

Satan Shower Cap


Apparently, this is called the Little Devil Shower Cap and it “fits most adult heads.” You can find the cap listed on Amazon, but it appears to currently be out stock. Sad.