Tag Archives: purity

Gail Takes the Purity Vodka Taste Challenge!

Taste Challenge with Hash Tag

Do you like Vodka? I sure do, but I admit I had not heard of Purity Vodka (From Sweden) until I was invited to take the Purity Vodka Taste Challenge – at a party held for that express purpose at Manhattan’s downtown Dream Hotel, nice! — just last evening. Here is how that went down.

Purity Vodka Challenge Ballot with Glasses

First, participants in The Challenge were presented with two unmarked flutes with a bit of vodka in each. We were instructed on the proper way to taste – sniff, tilt glass to check for “legs,” swirl, sniff again, then sip. Taste one glass, then repeat the process with the second. Ceremony! We were then given a pen and asked to tick a tiny box next to the glass holding the vodka whose taste we preferred. Continue reading Gail Takes the Purity Vodka Taste Challenge!