Tag Archives: yoko ono

Remembering John Lennon, 28 Years Gone

Oct 9, 1940 –  Dec 8, 1980

It’s funny that I was just thinking about John’s passing just yesterday, when I rode a bus by the Dakota Building on my way to the West Side. Lennon’s widow Yoko Ono invites everyone to share their memories of John at This Link.

Final Day for John Lennon Art Exhibit in NYC!

It is no secret that The Beatles were the greatest band ever in the universe of all time. For those Beatles and John Lennon fans in or near New York City, Sunday October 12, 2008  is the final day to see a moving and impressive collection of John Lennon’s drawings and song lyrics entitled “Imagine Peace.” Geoffrey and I went yesterday and spent about an hour enjoying the funny, insightful and often provocative collection of over 100 drawings and framed lyrics of songs from both The Beatles’ and Lennon’s solo catalogs. Some of my favorites were colorful sketches John did with his son Sean, like the frog drawing seen above. They also play Beatles songs non-stop over the gallery’s sound system, which makes it an even more enjoyable experience, because you can work in a little dancing! Sadly, the exhibit has a limited run which ends this evening. Do try to make it by if you can. Gallery address info is below.

Exhibit is at Openhouse Gallery, 201 Mulberry St., in SoHo. Hours: Thursday night 5-9; Friday 12-9 p.m.; Sat. 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Sun. 11 a.m.-6p.m. The suggested $2 donation benefits City Meals-On-Wheels.

Happy Birthday Al Jourgensen and John Lennon!!

John Rocks

John Mania!

Today John Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono unveils the John Lennon Imagine Peace Tower in Rekjavik, Iceland on what would have been the late Beatle’s 67th birthday. Happy Birthday, John!

October 9th is also the birthday of one of my very favorite people, Al Jourgensen of Ministry (“Apply directly to the forehead…”). Happy Birthday, Al!

Santa Al!