Pink Thing of The Day: KiKi Big Doll By Takashi Murakami

kiki big doll takashi murakami photo by gail worley
Photos By Gail

During a recent visit to the BrooklynMuseum, I was excited to see that they’ve relocated their rather ad hoc gift shop from a tiny corner tucked away at the front of the lobby to its own main-floor gallery space that is absolutely massive! In the new shop, they have all kinds of very nice but crazy expensive shit that you can spend way too much money on, not the least of which is this Kiki Big Doll oversize plush by Japanese superflat artist Takashi Murakami, who currently has a show at the museum.

Is this a must-own item? Hmm. Whether not you would choose to purchase said Big Doll depends on various factors:

How much do you love Murakami
Are you a Completist Collector or just a fan?
How much space do have in your home (because as you can see, it is BIG)?
Is the purchase price within your budget?

Let’s address the last question, which is the most important. Spotted selling for prices as high as $5,900 (yeesh!) over on Artsy, this KiKi Big Doll can come home with you for just $1,600 (what a bargain!) at the Brooklyn Museum Shop! Get ’em while they’re hot!

kiki big doll takashi murakami photo by gail worley
KiKi Big Doll With D.O.B. (On Shelf, Upper Right Corner)

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