Tag Archives: super flat

Pink Thing of The Day: KiKi Big Doll By Takashi Murakami

kiki big doll takashi murakami photo by gail worley
Photos By Gail

During a recent visit to the BrooklynMuseum, I was excited to see that they’ve relocated their rather ad hoc gift shop from a tiny corner tucked away at the front of the lobby to its own main-floor gallery space that is absolutely massive! In the new shop, they have all kinds of very nice but crazy expensive shit that you can spend way too much money on, not the least of which is this Kiki Big Doll oversize plush by Japanese superflat artist Takashi Murakami, who currently has a show at the museum. Continue reading Pink Thing of The Day: KiKi Big Doll By Takashi Murakami

Takashi Murakami’s In The Land of The Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow

Murakami Blue
Tan Tan Bo – In Communication, 2014 (All Photos By Gail)

As much as everyone is already whining about the impending hellish winter that we are surely in for again this year, all you have to do is walk into the cavernous Gagosian Gallery space on West 24th Street and get an eyeful of the 18 foot high sculptures reaching towards the celing and 30 foot long murals unfurling across the walls in Takashi Murakami’s In The Land of The Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow to realize that — Polar Vortex be damned — New York City is the Center of The Universe, and that is where you want to be.
Continue reading Takashi Murakami’s In The Land of The Dead, Stepping on the Tail of a Rainbow

Afterglow: New Works By Jessica Lichtenstein at Gallery nine5

Jessica Lichtenstein Afterglow
All Photos By Gail

Fans of Japanese Anime, Manga and the Superflat school of Pop Art founded by Takashi Murakami won’t want to miss Jessica Lichtenstein’s latest collection, Afterglow, on exhibit now at Gallery nine5 in Soho. Afterglow is the third solo exhibit by the artist at the gallery.

Jessica Lichtenstein Pink Tree
Continue reading Afterglow: New Works By Jessica Lichtenstein at Gallery nine5

Takashi Murakami Exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum

Me and Geoffrey!
This is Me and Geofffrey at the Brooklyn Museum’s Murakami Exhibit! Just Kidding!

Today Geoffrey and I went to see the Takashi Murakami exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum. OMG, this show was so much fun; gallery after gallery fully saturated with Murakami’s colors and shapes; paintings, wallpaper, sculpture; extremely fun. I recommend checking this out! Admission is $10. Afterwards go get some delicious Mexican food and a big margarita! Enjoy your day. Enjoy your life.

Continue reading Takashi Murakami Exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum