Tag Archives: Duo

Video Clip of The Week: Digitalism, “Utopia”

Here’s a stone groove for you body and mind: “Utopia,” the epic new single from German duo Digitalism, and its accompany, mind-expanding video. Directed by Japanese artist Yoshi Sodeoka – famed for his neo-psychedelic work with artists such as Beck and Tame Impala – the talented director takes the viewer on a trippy, kaleidoscopic journey through dreamscapes and nature, bringing the duo’s musical vision to life, while expanding on the identity of their new album Mirage, which is out now.

Sodeoka explains, “When approaching the video for “Utopia” I was drawn to the golden spiral as a representation for infinity, which to me suggests the possibility of an ideal social condition without any limitations on its inhabitants.” Nice.

Mirage  reached Number 1 on Hype Machine and Essential New Tunes on BBC Radio 1 within its first week of release, and continues to pave the way for this incredible new collection of work.  Digitalism are on the road in the US and Canada in late May/early June. Tour Dates are below. Enjoy!

05/24 – Double Door – Chicago, IL
05/25 – Shelter – Detroit, MI
05/26 – The Garrison – Toronto, ON
05/27 – L’Astral – Montreal, QC
05/28 – The Sinclair – Cambridge, MA
06/01 – The Independent – San Francisco, CA
06/03 – El Rey – Los Angeles, CA

Digitalism Utopia

Video Clip of The Week: Cosmic Gate, “am2pm”

I propose that the ideal time to watch and groove to the video for “am2pm” by trance duo Cosmic Gate is just pre-dawn, when you are minutes away from hitting the bed hard after a night of full-on clubbing followed by a delicious, greasy breakfast at the 24-hour diner. Imagine the colorful dreams it would inspire!  It’s hard to go wrong when you are presenting time-lapse video, and the shifting landscapes — from Death Valley to Los Angeles and back to the Grand Canyon — open up a magnificent headspace to just let the music sink in and do its thing. High-fives all around on this one.
Continue reading Video Clip of The Week: Cosmic Gate, “am2pm”

Interesni Kazki’s Sacred Gravitation at Jonathan LeVine Gallery

Temple of the Time (AEC)
Temple of the Time, By AEC of Interesni Kazki (All Photos By Gail)

You have just one more week to see the amazing paintings of Interesni Kazki in the exhibit Sacred Gravitation, up now at Jonathan Levine Gallery.

The Last Day of the Babylon
The Last Day of the Babylon

Interesni Kazki is a duo currently based in Kiev who also go by their respective aliases AEC and Waone, as noted on some of my photo captions. Painting together for over 15 years, they are pioneers of the graffiti movement in Eastern Europe. Continue reading Interesni Kazki’s Sacred Gravitation at Jonathan LeVine Gallery

Video Clip of The Week: Night Club, “Need You Tonight”

This Week The Worley Gig is on Vacation in lovely Bermuda and doesn’t want to have to think too much. That is why we are bringing you the first-ever Video Clip of The Week encore appearance from a band Previously Featured here on the site, that band being the electronic duo Night Club. You’re welcome.

With Night Club, featuring Keyboardist Mark Brooks and gorgeous singer Emily Kavanaugh you know you are going to get a knock out performance with dynamite visuals and the duo’s spot-on cover on the INXS hit, “Need You Tonight” delivers on all levels.

Watch for more new music from Night Club coming in September! Enjoy!
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Video Clip of The Week: Painted Palms, “Forever”

This song here is what you call a Guilty Pleasure, because while the song “Forever” is super groovy in an electronic-version-of-The Beatles kind of way, I also just like looking at this guy’s face. I enjoy watching him dip his arms shoulder-deep in black paint and fling it all over — sexy — and cavort with an antlered deer skull. Plus the cheesy Tron-esque video effects evoke a profoundly nostalgic feeling for that seriously underrated film. Continue reading Video Clip of The Week: Painted Palms, “Forever”