Tag Archives: gossip


TMZ Bus Exterior Detail 2
All Photos By Gail

I’m going to go ahead and own the fact that on weeknights when I am at home, and also coherent, I’ll turn on TMZ and watch their low rent “news” on celebrity has-beens and wannabes that I’ve either never heard of before, or wish I hadn’t. I’m probably the least Star Struck blogger on the planet, but I consider TMZ to be my primary source of worthless celebrity pandering so that I can stay in the loop about what is “popular” – you know, for the kids. TMZ is also completely hilarious and boasts the least self-aware staff of any celebrity news program, so in that way it seems very down to earth and makes you feel like you’re hearing these crazy stories from people you know pretty well. That’s probably why the show is so popular. Continue reading TMZ Tour NYC!

Headline of The Day: Implied Gayness with Zac Efron!

Image Source

“Zac Efron’s Leather Daddy Date with Tom Cruise and Other Gay-Seeming Things”

From Gawker, Naturally. Full article at This Link.