Tag Archives: september 13th

Broad City Subway Ad

Broad City New Season Subway Ad
Photo By Gail

I admit that I was a little bit late to the party ins discovering Broad City, mostly because I had no clue it existed for the first couple of seasons. But now I’m hooked on this crazy, insanely edgy Comedy Central show about the absurdist adventures of best friends Abbi and Ilana, who may or may not be lesbians! It’s like Girls but without the HBO budget, and with less gratuitous nudity! A new season of Broad City starts on Wednesday, September 13th, 2017, so set those DVRs! But first, check out this article about a new line of Broad City Sex Toys!

Happy Birthday, Dave Mustaine!

Dave Mustaine of Megadeth was born on this day, September 13th in 1961, which makes him just a wee bit younger than me (bastard). I had dinner with Dave once and, aside from being hilarious and a super nice guy, I can tell you that he has (or at least had) the most beautiful hair in Rock. I bet he is a Pantene guy, for sure.  Happy Birthday, Dave!
