Tag Archives: white label expo

Birthday Cake Scented Soap

birthday cake soap photo by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

When the trend of Birthday Cake-Flavored foods and snacks emerged a few years ago, I was all in, and still am. So, you know I got super excited when I was introduced to a Birthday Cake Scented Soap during my recent visit to the White Label Expo. OMG.

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Yes, It Exists: Frida Kahlo Soap

frida kahlo soap slice photo by gail worley
All Photo By Gail

Have you ever see a bar of soap as cute as thisĀ Frida Kahlo Cannabis Rose Artisan Soap Bar by Aura Artisan Soap? I can’t say that I have. I met owner and soap creator Aura de Leon recently at the White Label Expo, and she was so happy that I recognized Frida’s unique unibrow, which she has captured in her handcrafted soap that is a tribute to the legendary Mexican artist.

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