Tag Archives: kardashians

Kanye West As Saint Sebastian

Kanye Saint Sebastian
Photo By Gail

Kanye West is a person who embodies everything that is pathetic and sad about pop culture. The fact that he is married to a Kardashian sister and worships Dump makes him even more repugnant to me.  I don’t really see how he has fans, but there is no accounting for taste. This mural by street artist SacSix  (part of his #sidewalksandicons series) portrays West as Saint Sebastian. More importantly, it is a take on the famous cover of Esquire magazine from April, 1968 that portrayed prizefighter Muhammad Ali as the famous martyr, which makes it even more polarizing. The mural is excellent, but Kanye is a pathetic loser whose only talent is for shameless self promotion. Yawn City. Please stop making this man famous.

George Condo’s Double Heads, Black Paintings, Abstractions at Skarstedt Gallery

George Condo
All Photos By Gail

My first exposure to George Condo’s highly recognizable style of painting happened when I saw his 2010-2011 exhibit, Mental States, at the New Museum of Contemporary Art. I thought the show was pretty cool, but I can totally understand how some might consider his artwork to be an acquired taste.
Continue reading George Condo’s Double Heads, Black Paintings, Abstractions at Skarstedt Gallery

Real Housewives of Atlanta Get Served By Triumph the Insult Comic Dog

“You are the classiest of the Housewives, which is sort of like saying You are the Smartest Kardashian.”

Last night on Conan, Triumph the Insult Comic Dog visited the Real Housewives of Atlanta and hilarity ensued! I laughed my ass off for seven minutes. Favorite line of many: “It’s amazing how much you can get done when you don’t take the time to feel deeply ashamed.” Check it out, above.

Andy Warhol: The Last Decade at The Brooklyn Museum

It is no secret to anyone who reads this blog that I am all about Andy Warhol. When it comes to matters of the art (pun intended) Geoffrey and I will agree on most things, but we differ slightly in opinion when it comes to Warhol. While he admits to being a fan, Geoffrey has a love/hate relationship with Andy, feeling that he ruined art as much as he saved it by facilitating the “Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes” approach to everyman stardom that has created such reprehensible pieces of shit as The Real Housewives, Big Brother and the Kardashian sisters. Continue reading Andy Warhol: The Last Decade at The Brooklyn Museum