Tag Archives: nancy margolis gallery

Melodie Provenzano Presents Stealth Peace at Nancy Margolis Gallery

Color Bow
Color Bow By Melodie Provenzano (All Photos By Gail)

I stumbled on the listing for Melodie Provenzano’s Stealth Peace exhibit (on now at Nancy Margolis Gallery) when I was looking for cool shows to add to last week’s art crawl, and was immediately attracted to her painting of the above image: a giant colorful bow. I love hyper-realism and the more I looked at the online preview, the more I knew this would be a must-see exhibit. I was not mistaken. Continue reading Melodie Provenzano Presents Stealth Peace at Nancy Margolis Gallery

Charles Clary at Nancy Margolis Gallery

Charles Clary Art
“Wow, Look at the Colors!” (All Photos By Gail)

The Charles Clary exhibit at Nancy Margolis has been up since December, but the opening reception wasn’t until January 9th. So I don’t feel too out of it that I had my first chance to stop by this past week on the way to Cheim and Read, and could not resist snapping few photos of his colorful and delicately structured artworks for the blog.

Charles Clary Art at Nancy Margolis Gallery
Close up of Form Seen in the Above Photo, Far Left

This is the first exhibition for Clary ( a Tennessee native) with Nancy Margolis Gallery.  These intriguing constructions are created from towers of layered, brightly colored paper. The sculptures, precise and labor-intensive, reveal a phenomenal color sensibility and an original expression distinctly his own.

Charles Clary Art at Nancy Margolis Gallery

Exact cuts and layered stacks of thin paper make up his geometric volumes of variegated textures and sinewy shapes. Forms are reminiscent of microbial colonies, sound waves, fractals and topographical landscapes. The collected sculptures in the photo directly above remind me of chunks of driftwood on the beach.

Charles Clary Art at Nancy Margolis Gallery

A palette of rainbow like colors playfully invite viewers to venture into the vivid creative world of Clary’s sculptures, ever-expanding, pulsing, and surreal.

Charles Clary Art at Nancy Margolis Gallery

I really enjoyed photographing these sculptures, which are even more vibrantly colorful in person. Check them out before the exhibit closes in just under 2 weeks.

Sculptures By  Charles Clary will be on Exhibit through February 1st, 2014 at Nancy Margolis Gallery, Located at 523 W 25th St. New York NY 10001. Gallery Hours are Tuesday – Saturday 10: 00 AM – 6:00 PM.

Charles Clary Art at Nancy Margolis Gallery

Nancy Margolis Gallery Presents Razzmatazz By Jackie Meier

Jackie Meier Razzmatazz
All Photos By Gail

Nancy Margolis Gallery is pleased to announce the opening of Jackie Meier’s inaugural exhibition Razzmatazz. Opulent color and dynamic line define Meier’s oil paintings. The artist transforms several of her canvases into kaleidoscopic twists of energy radiating from a center core.
Continue reading Nancy Margolis Gallery Presents Razzmatazz By Jackie Meier