Tag Archives: schools

Security Products That Can Increase School Safety

boy running in the hallway
Photo by Caleb Oquendo on Pexels.com

School safety is a top priority for any administrator, teacher, or parent. No one wants to see a child hurt, and with the rise of school shootings, many schools are looking for ways to increase security. There are a number of products that can help make schools safer. Keep reading to learn more about school security solutions and how they can help keep your school safe.

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Top Design Schools Around the World

Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash.com
Photo by Balázs Kétyi on Unsplash.com

We are living in a golden age of design. In previous centuries, most items were purely practical and utilitarian, with little thought given to esthetics. Needs always outweighed desires in those practical times. In the industrialized and competitive world of today, things like cars, clothes, tech and other commercial products require careful design to best ally form with function and attract buyers. Continue reading Top Design Schools Around the World

Chef Anthony Bourdain to Host Benefit for Bronx Academy of Letters High School

Benefit Cake Photo

Attention all Foodies: Renowned Chef, Author and TV Personality Anthony Bourdain will be on hand to host the Tenth Anniversary benefit celebration for The Urban Assembly Bronx Academy of Letters; one of New York City’s public schools that provides free education to all of its students. Funds raised at this benefit help to offset the many costs associated with programs that are not covered by the NYC Department of Education, which has been subject to severe budget cuts in recent years.
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