Tag Archives: spy pics

Yes, It Exists: Oversized Plush Creature With a Cheeseburger Head

Plush Cheeseburger Head
Photo By Gail

I am here to tell you that you will have lots of fun perusing the results of a Google search with the terms: Oversized Plush Creature With a Cheeseburger Head. What is this thing? I spotted these two Ladies keeping company with the Cheeseburger-headed creature of unknown origin from across the platform while I waited for the F Train at the 42nd Street/Bryant Park station. And now, they are on the blog.

Eyeball Skirt

Girl Wearing Eyeball Skirt
Photos By Gail

Geoffrey and I were walking north on Avenue A after having brunch at Yuca Bar when I noticed this lady walking directly in front of me wearing an eyeball print skirt! OMG! I tried to snap her photo while we were waiting at the light — because, Eyeball Skirt — but then the light changed and she took off. I got this shot while she sped away from me thanks to my zoom lens! Then, when she stopped to walk into a bar, I got the shot below.
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