Tag Archives: techniques

Basic Drumming Techniques for Beginners on Electric Drum Kits

a boy playing electronic drums
Photo by Boris Pavlikovsky on Pexels.com

Aspiring drummers often face a common dilemma – wanting to learn how to play the drums but being limited by factors like space, noise constraints, or budget. Thankfully, the introduction of electric drum kits has made it possible for beginners to start their musical journey without these limitations.
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A Closer Look at the Techniques of the Best Tattoo Artists

tattoo artist at work
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Tattoos have evolved from being a mark of rebellion to a celebrated form of art that adorns millions of bodies worldwide. Today, the craft of tattooing is recognized for its intricacy and creativity, much like any other art form. This evolution has given rise to an elite group of tattoo artists who are renowned for their exceptional skill and eye for detail.

Let’s take a closer look at the techniques that set the best tattoo artists apart from the rest.
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Top 7 Holistic Techniques to Manage Chronic Pain Without Medication

young man in sleepwear suffering from headache in morning
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Chronic pain is a prevalent issue affecting numerous individuals worldwide. It often eludes quick fixes or traditional medical interventions. This article delves into holistic techniques that provide an alternative path to managing chronic pain without medication. Ready to discover new ways to alleviate your pain? Let’s go!
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The Sound Engineer’s Handbook: Essential Techniques for Live Mixing

hand mixing sound on console
Photo by Anna Pou on Pexels.com

Grasping the art of live sound mixing is crucial for most musicians, from performing artists to those aiming to become front-of-house engineers. While the multitude of channels on a mixing console may initially seem daunting, understanding the fundamentals of live sound mixing is more straightforward than it appears.
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Beginning Violinists: How to Avoid 5 Common Mistakes

close up shot of violins
Photo by Berke Can on Pexels.com

The violin is a beautiful instrument that can produce captivating music, but it can also be challenging for beginners. Learning how to play the violin requires patience, dedication, and practice. However, even with all these qualities in mind, it’s easy for beginner violinists to make mistakes that hinder their progress. So, to become a good violinist, one needs to understand the mistake and never repeat it again.
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