Tag Archives: umbrellas

Jonathan LeVine Gallery Creates Pop Up Location for How & Nosm’s Late Confessions

How & Nosm Late Confessions
All Photos By Gail

While Late Confessions, the new exhibit by identical twin graffiti artists How & Nosm, opened over two weeks ago, it took that long for us to make it to the exhibit due to NYC’s recent streak of inclement weather and circumstances beyond our control. We must “confess,” however, that it was worth the wait, because this “must see” show is nothing short of fantastic! Continue reading Jonathan LeVine Gallery Creates Pop Up Location for How & Nosm’s Late Confessions

Pink Thing of The Day: Pink Umbrellas Installation

Pink Umbrellas

This Installation of 400 suspended Pink Umbrellas, meant to raise awareness of breast cancer, was hung in a canopy over pedestrians’ heads in downtown Sofia, Bulgaria, in October 2012.

Thanks to Paula Erickson for the Image!

"Yes, That’s All Well and Good, But Will I Need to Take My Umbrella?"

<B>Zip Code 10009: Take Your Umbrella!</B>
Zip Code 10009: Take Your Umbrella!

For a couple of years now, I’ve had this great idea for a way to make the morning weather reports much more accurate and fun, which I call “The Coat Report.” Basically, in addition to telling the temperature, the news guy would suggest the most appropriate outerwear to have on when leaving the house, so that you would have the best chance of staying warm and dry in your local region.
Continue reading "Yes, That’s All Well and Good, But Will I Need to Take My Umbrella?"