Tag Archives: Tasty

Snack Food Stadium: Where Every Seat is Delicious

“Touch Down!”

Personally, I couldn’t give a crap about the Super Bowl. This evening I’ll be watching some Netflix, then Big Love and Flight of the Conchords in a blissfully Football-free wonderland. And I already had a big lunch at Gonzalez Y Gonzalez (hey, $5 Margaritas at the bar!) so I won’t be eating again tonight. But if I were to attend a Superbowl party (say, because I lost a bet) I sure would be happy to see this stadium made of tasty snacks waiting for me to sample. Here’s what’s in it:
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Columbia Records Hosts Party With Very Tasty Food

Train the Band
The Band Train Performed Some Songs While We Ate Tasty Snacks

Back in the day, major labels used to host big deal press parties all the time, where hacks like me could get completely sloshed on free booze and engorge ourselves on sumptuous snacks. Good times. Those days are generally considered to be gone with the dot com boon, but last night Columbia Records hosted a party for the band Train at an art gallery located in a westside neighborhood formerly known for its population of transvestite hookers. I think most people came to hear Train perform songs from its new CD For Me, It’s You, but what everybody in the loft was really buzzing about was how awesome the food was. Continue reading Columbia Records Hosts Party With Very Tasty Food