Tag Archives: walter gropius

Modern Art Monday Presents: Roy Lichtenstein, Bauhaus Stairway Mural

bauhaus stairway mural photo by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

Bauhaus Stairway Mural (1989) speaks to Roy Lichtenstein’s dialogue with various art historical styles, which would figure prominently throughout his career. Measuring more than 26 feet tall and painted in oil and Magna on canvas, this spectacular mural pays homage to the German artist Oskar Schlemmer (18881943) and his painting Bahaustreppe (Bauhaus Stairway, 1932), which is held in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NYC, and reproduced below.
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Happy Birthday, Walter Gropius, Founder of the Bauhaus


Walter Gropius, German Architect and founder of the Bauhaus School, was born on this day, May 18th, in 1883. I admit to feeling a special sort of insider kinship with the Bauhaus, not only because I love band that took its name from this forward thinking movement of Architecture and Design, but because I once worked for an architectural firm whose founding partners has previously worked with another great Bauhaus architect, Marcel Breuer. Breuer designed those cool chairs that everybody has in their kitchens.