Tag Archives: coins

From Hobbies to Heirlooms: The Value of Collecting Coin Spinners

spnner coins

Have you heard that 61% of people view hobbies as being important? Collecting coin spinners is one of the many unique and rewarding hobbies out there. This pastime involves collecting custom coins that are specially designed to spin.
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The Power of Recovery Coins: How These Small Tokens Can Make a Big Impact

recovery coins image
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Today’s world is fast-paced and cluttered. Finding natural ways to reward your own good behavior is a powerful tool for self-improvement. Acknowledging and encouraging the behavior is part of it. Enter the idea of ‘recovery coins.’

These coins or tokens have the remarkable power to spark significant personal change. This deep dive will uncover why these small tokens hold such power, and how they can support and enhance your journey of recovery or self-improvement.
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Buddha Statue with Reflecting Pool

Sea Thai Reflecting Pool
Photo By Gail

Sea Thai Restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn is the only restaurant I will ever deliberately and of my own free will leave Manhattan to eat at. The food is consistently delicious and, if you forgo the cocktails, you can get out of there for about $20, including tip, which is just unheard of this side of the Bedford Ave. L Stop. But one of my very favorite reasons to dine at Sea is to get a chance to sit in the front of the restaurant by the side of this beautiful and serene reflecting pool. It does not get much more Zen than that, as long at you get there before 9 PM, because that is when the House Music starts.

Election Day (A Short Story by John Swenson)

Election Day
Election Day

The representative had a dream. In his dream, he has just assumed office and his immediate assignment is to attend one of two meetings that are part of an emergency conference. He pores through a small guidebook that has been provided to him filled with indecipherable characters and symbols from an unknown language, searching for a clue to his assigned destination. He realizes in a paroxysm of the kind of subconscious clarity that occurs in dreams that he is standing outside of a long hallway that runs off to the right as far as he can see.
Continue reading Election Day (A Short Story by John Swenson)