Tag Archives: short story

The Ghost Antlers

ghost antlers photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

The first sightings of a ghostly figure wandering the woods near a newly constructed train line in Freehold, New Jersey began in the 1870s. They were usually described as a lady having glowing eyes or a pair of antlers that twinkled in the moonlight. The sightings were most frequent during the harvest moon in woodlands just outside the farms that bordered the town.
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Dreamland Sloth By Travis Louie

dreamland sloth by travis louie photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

When Heath Richardson came home from his trip to South America, he began having difficulty falling asleep. As he lay in his bed in his Kensington Garden flat, he would close his eyes and try to imagine sheep, leaping over a fence like when he was a small boy.
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The Thought Fish By Travis Louie

thought fish by travis louie photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

During a heavy rainstorm in Norfolk, England in 1893,  an odd assortment of fish fell out of the sky.  Thousands of cod, pollack and halibut showered the north side of the city in a concentrated area roughly the size of three modest cottages. After a spotted codfish crashed through a kitchen widow and struck young Claire Hargreaves’ head, knocking her unconscious,  a curious thing happened.

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The Discovery of The Hand By Travis Louis

discovery of the hand by travis louie photo by gail worley
Photo By Gail

On a cold October day, a young Victorian boy found a giant hand in the woods. A few of the elderly locals recognized the strange relic and told the boy a story about its unusual origins. About 100 years earlier, a farmer in the village woke up to discover he had been cursed with what was described as “troll hands.” It was quite unbelievable.
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Clive Barker’s Midnight Meat Train Arrives on the Big Screen

Midnight Train to Meat Town
Very Scary

While Googling for information on the upcoming Dario Argento film, Giallo (starring Adrian Brody, hot) I happily stumbled on the news that Clive Barker’s totally fucked up short story Midnight Meat Train (which made me afraid to ride the subway at night for about a year after reading) has been made into a film. Although I doubt there is any possible way that the movie could be truly faithful to the story – because people’s heads would explode – hearing that Japanese horror master Ryuhei Kitamura is directing gives me some hope that this film might actually be authentically disturbing and not just another schlock torture porn flick with no substance. Continue reading Clive Barker’s Midnight Meat Train Arrives on the Big Screen