Tag Archives: foreign

Where to Watch Foreign Movies in New York City

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New York is one of the most diverse cities in the world. You can find any kind of food you want in town, there is a museum of everything you can name, and you can see any kind of movie or play you care to. Foreign films will give you a window into the culture of the countries that they come from. Foreign directors often have a different view of the world than that of their American counterparts.
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Common Challenges Inexperienced Travelers May Encounter During a Trip

woman using map on gray car compartment
Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com

The most thrilling and rewarding life experiences often come from traveling. But for inexperienced travelers, there can also be a lot of unknowns and surprises along the way. Even the most organized people can be caught off guard by unexpected issues.
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Film Review: Asia Argento’s Misunderstood

Misunderstood Poster English

People don’t normally equate childhood with a kind of battlefield, where the very process of growing up is an act of unqualified heroism, but then again not everyone has seen the Asia Argento film Misunderstood, where the lone soldier/hero is a nine-year-old girl named Aria. Set in Rome in the mid-1980s, Misunderstood is an exceptionally well-crafted (though not always easy to watch) film which focuses on a pivotal year in the life of Aria (played by Giulia Salerno), who has the misfortune to be the child of self-centered parents who are just on the verge of divorcing when our story begins.
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Movie Review: The Film Critic (El Critico )


A film critic whose intolerance for cliché-ridden, formulaic Hollywood romances has earned him a reputation as a merciless film curmudgeon experiences a kind of existential crisis when he falls hard for beautiful, mercurial woman in Writer/Director Hernán Gerschuny’s Argentinian comedy The Film Critic (El Critico). This fast paced, sharply written and well-acted film will entertain anyone who loves movies but also enjoys a hilarious, insider jab at the filmmaking industry.

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Recommended Viewing: The Circle (Der Kreis)

The Circle Poster

Love doesn’t have to look a certain way, and it is a thoroughly compelling love story that anchors the Gay rights battle at the heart of The Circle, a new German language film from Director Stefan Haupt. In this engaging film that mixes a scripted dramatic narrative (set in 1950s Zurich) with present day documentary interview footage with film’s real-life main characters, The Circle (Der Kreis) is also the name of a gay social organization and the multi-lingual, borderline-homoerotic magazine/newsletter it publishes and distributes to an extensive international list of subscribers.

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