Tag Archives: twitter

Happy 9th Birthday, Worley Gig!

9th Birthday Cake Pink
“We Are 9”

Amid a flurry of recent activity that included parties, restaurant reviews, film screenings, concerts, art openings, cruise-planning and Bar Mitzvah Palooza, we totally forgot to celebrate Worley Gig Dot Com’s Ninth Birthday, which happened on June 10th, 2012! As always, we are thanking our loyal readership, which keeps this blog alive with a hot buzz across the interwebs and crazy global traffic for a site that is basically just a little indie blog about Rad Things we love! Worleygig’s 9th year saw our first prize give-aways and you can expect more contests in the coming year – because we love our readers!
Continue reading Happy 9th Birthday, Worley Gig!

Punch Me Panda: The Video!

Photo and Video By Geoffrey Dicker

Geoffrey follows the Twitter feed of performance artist Nate Hill. As part of his “Best Art Show 2011″ project, Nate is known for Tweeting a specific location, at which he will show up at a predetermined time and share his latest inspired performance with the unsuspecting people of NYC. Gonzo! As a prelude to our semi-regular Thursday night art crawl, Geoffrey suggested that we meet up at the corner of Barclay and Broadway, just outside City Hall Park, at 5:30 PM, where Nate would show up as “Punch Me Panda.Neither one of us had any idea what this meant, but we agreed it would be a fun surprise.
Continue reading Punch Me Panda: The Video!

Noel Fielding Helps To Increase My Popularity!

Noel Fielding: That’s Hot!

A couple of days ago I started following the Twitter feed of comedian/actor/mega hot thing Noel Fielding of The Mighty Boosh, and shortly after that I got a bunch more followers to My Twitter Feed. Twitter!

Trent Reznor Closes Twitter Account!

Trent Reznor
He Used to Be So Hot!

From Gawker:

Trent Reznor has had it with Twitter. The microblogging service let the singer give fans a peek into his personal life; that turned out to be not such a good idea. A great number of celebrities have found Twitter is a great way to communicate directly with the public, without filtering by the news media or a record company. In Reznor’s case, his fan base consisted of a few too many angry, depressed people to make Twitter a pleasant experience. It turns out the industrial rocker’s fans weren’t too happy when he started Twittering about the joys of being in love. And so he warned that he was going quit the Internet: “You are right, I’m not the same person I was in 1994 (and I’m happy about that). Are you?” Rather than fade away as Dave Matthews seems to be doing, Reznor followed up on his threat by just cold deleting his account sometime within the past few days (he posted as recently as July 17). This is especially startling since Reznor has been a pioneer in using the internet to distribute his music and connect with fans. He’s now discovered that it’s possible to connect too closely — and unlike internet fameballers trying to convert online fame into real celebrity, he doesn’t have to pretend otherwise.”

The Milk in the Refrigerator Has Gone Lumpy and Other Things that Make Me Sad

Always Remember to Do a Preliminary Test Sniff Before Pouring in Coffee or on Cereal 

Earlier this morning, I visited the shared refrigerator in our office pantry with the intention of pouring low-fat milk onto my bowl of Peanut Butter Puffins cereal (from Trader Joe’s), so that I could enjoy a tasty and satisfying breakfast at my desk. Sadly, this was not to be, for the milk (poured from a carton which was nearly full) had gone sour and thus rendered my very delicious cereal completely inedible. Sadness.
Continue reading The Milk in the Refrigerator Has Gone Lumpy and Other Things that Make Me Sad