Tag Archives: May 12th

Final Week to See Jeff Koons’ Seated Ballerina in Rockefeller Center

Jeff Koons Seated Ballerina
All Photos By Gail

Jeff Koons‘ 45-foot tall inflatable nylon sculpture, Seated Ballerina, went up in Rockefeller Center Plaza on May 12th, 2017 and was originally due to be up only through June 2nd. But the sculpture’s tenure was extended by three weeks due to popular demand, which means you still have until this Friday, June 23rd, to make your pilgrimage to Midtown!

Seated Ballerina Right with People

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Video Clip of The Week: Grounders, “Pull It Over Me”

I’m definitely not what you would call a “Cat Person,” but I sure do love watching a life-size Garfield wander the streets of an unspecified suburban landscape in this charmingly morose video for the song “Pull It Over Me” by Toronto based band, Grounders. In case the minor chord wooziness didn’t give it away, “Pull It Over Me” is a break up song, the occurrence of which puts Garfield in a deep enough funk to, it appears, spontaneously murder someone on the beach and get away with it. Hilarious!
Continue reading Video Clip of The Week: Grounders, “Pull It Over Me”

Robert Rauschenberg, Titan of American Art, Is Dead at 82

RIP Robert Rauschenberg
1925 – 2008

Legendary artist Robert Rauschenberg has passed away on May 12th, 2008.This is Sad News, because Robert Rauschenberg was awesome. I took a lot of Modern Art classes in college and his combine paintings definitely opened my eyes to different ways of seeing and thinking. I was actually just at LACMA out in Los Angeles on Friday and saw some of Rauschenberg’s work up close, and it still blows me away. Sad.