Tag Archives: curtains

Valentines Day Window Display!

Valentines Window Display
Photo By Gail

Spotted On Madison Avenue near 76th Street. Have a Lovely and Loving Valentines Day, Dear Readers!

Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Untitled (Water) at the Brooklyn Museum

All Photos By Gail

Felix Gonzales-Torres (1957 – 1996) ever-generous artworks invite viewers to participate in them — by eating candy from a gleaming pile of sweets making up one of his works, for example, or removing a poster from an endlessly replaceable stack of paper. Yet despite their decisive ephemerality, these works are imbued with both personal and political undertones. While invoking the allegedly content-free vocabulary of minimalism, Gonzalez-Torres nonetheless subtly hints at possible meanings through parenthetical subtitles he assigned to each untitled work. Continue reading Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Untitled (Water) at the Brooklyn Museum

Pearl River Mart Reopens in TriBeCa!

Pearl River Mart Exterior Shot
All Photos By Gail

Finally, there’s bright spot on this dismal end of year season. Pearl River Mart, everyone’s favorite Asian Imports Store, has reopened as a Pop-Up at 395 Broadway. Oh, Happy Day. This space will become the store’s permanent location after a brief shuttering in February 2017 to allow for further construction on the interior.
Continue reading Pearl River Mart Reopens in TriBeCa!

Bacon Thing of The Day: Bacon Curtains

Bacon Curtains
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Chic Interior Decor, Defined!