Tag Archives: low sugar

Review: MiiRo Low-Sugar Baking Products and Treats

miiro sampler box
The MiiRo Sampler Box (Images Courtesy of MiiRo Unless Noted)

The most significant changes in life are often unplanned. During the pandemic lockdown, I was able to lose 10 to 12 pounds and have miraculously kept it off for the past two years. That kind of weight loss for a not-super-active woman of my age (who, let’s be honest, loves food) is a big deal.
Continue reading Review: MiiRo Low-Sugar Baking Products and Treats

Product Review: Pink Panda Low Sugar Candy

pink panda candy packages photo by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

Did you overindulge a bit more that usual during the holiday season? Join the club. It would be nice if Holidays-in-lockdown meant that there are no rules, and you can eat whatever you want, but if you’ve made a New Year’s Resolution to curb your consumption of sweets treats, there’s a new candy in town called Pink Panda that can help you snack guilt-free. Continue reading Product Review: Pink Panda Low Sugar Candy

Product Review: RED ‘No Guilt’ Reduced Calorie Chocolate

red chocolate cover shot by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

After spending four months in the house, you may agree that the current quarantine situation has not been kind to your waistline. Most of us are way less physically active these days, and it’s so easy to reach for the comfort of favorite foods in times of stress. As an admitted foodie, I can especially relate to the temptation to over-snack while working from home. As we all attempt to reacquaint ourselves with self-control, it’s vital to have snacks and sweet treats on hand that you can indulge in while staying on your diet — and if that can include tempting chocolates, how can it be wrong? Please allow me to introduce you to a brand of high-quality chocolate called Red that is reduced calorie, with no added sugar, and insanely delicious. Yes, it exists. Continue reading Product Review: RED ‘No Guilt’ Reduced Calorie Chocolate