Tag Archives: project runway

Ode to Kenley Collins

Inspired by last night’s episode of Project Runway

Sung to the tune of “Brandy” by Looking Glass

There’s a girl, in this harbor town
and she works, stitching clothes and gowns.
They say, “Kenley, don’tcha whine and frown”
She makes them a bubble skirt.
The tailors say “Kenley, you’re a fine girl
What a good designer you would be
But your voice makes Nina Garcia
Leave the set.”

(dooda-dit-dooda), (dit-dooda-dit-dooda-dit)

Kenley, does her Bettie Page
Jet black hair, the 1940s rage.
Silk flower, pinned up in her hair
And blood red lipstick, too.

He left, on a summer’s day
In a tugboat, going far away
He made it clear, he couldn’t stay
No harbor was his home.”

Confession: I found these lyrics – unaccredited – on some fan board earlier today and changed them up a bit! If you are the original writer let me know and I’ll give you props!)

Chris, You're Out!

chris march project runway
Chris March: I Miss Him Already

I can’t say I wasn’t heartbroken at the outcome of last night’s Project Runway, when Chris March got eliminated over Rami Kashou. No one is denying that Rami is talented (if a bit of a one-note) and hot and everything, but he’s also kind of an asshole. And mean people suck. So I was really rooting for Chris to make it to Fashion Week at Bryant Park along with Christian and Jillian. Sadness. Next week’s finale is probably not going to spew forth a whole lot of surprises though, because I think Christian pretty much has this competition in the bag. We’ll see.

People Magazine’s Sexiest Man of 2007: So Wrong

This Man is Not Sexy

Bringing Sexy Back…Not!
Tell me its not true: Matt Damon Voted Sexiest Man Alive.

Uh, Matt Damon? Seriously? Um, I think not. Matt Damon is gross. I can think of at least ten guys I know who are hotter and sexier than Matt Damon.

Gail’s Choice for Ten Living Men Who are Sexier Than Matt Damon
Continue reading People Magazine’s Sexiest Man of 2007: So Wrong

This American Life: Another Kind of Reality

Ira Glass Hosts the Best Show on TV: This American Life

I take lot of heat for being such a shameless, diehard fan of reality TV shows like The Amazing Race, Survivor, American Idol and all those embarrassingly addictive programs on Bravo such as Project Runway, Top Chef and Top Design. Clothes, food, home décor: It’s like there is a reality show specifically geared to feed each of my secret obsessions! Hurray for digital cable!

Continue reading This American Life: Another Kind of Reality