Tag Archives: cake

Desperately Seeking Burrito Cake Recipe

Behold: The Burrito Cake
Behold: The Burrito Cake

Twice in the past week I’ve seen photos online of a cake that looks like a tasty Burrito, but I can never find the recipe. If you know the recipe to make a Burrito Cake please post in the comments. Muchas Gracias!

Because Any Time Is The Right Time for Cake

TastY Cake!
Don’t Those Piggies Look Happy?

We always say around my office that “any time is the right time for cake.” Because we all love cake so much. With that in mind, here’s a recipe for Chocolate Cake for One that you can make and be eating in just ten minutes! Hell yeah!

The Most Delicious Thing: Red Velvet Cupcake

Oh Heaven, Thy Name be Red Velvet Cupcake

The Red Velvet Cupcake from late, great Crumb’s Bakeshop is described thusly:

Traditional red velvet cake frosted with vanilla cream cheese frosting and drizzled in chocolate with red sprinkles around the edge and a cherry to finish it off.

Ohmygod, it was so good!

crumbs red velvet cupcake

Recipe of the Day: Meatloaf Cake!

Meat Loaf Cake
Mmm . . . Meaty!

This is a picture of a layer cake made of ground beef and frosted with mashed potatoes to make a hearty Meatloaf Cake. I’m a big fan of meatloaf, so it looks pretty tasty to me. You can find out how to make your very own meatloaf cake right here.

Meat Loaf Cake 2
Everybody Loves Meat Cake!

Top Ten Random Search Phrases That Link to Worleygig.com!

compute boy
Happy Web Surfing!

The following are my ten favorite random key phrases used on search engines that I pulled off the Worleygig.com stats page for the month of March, 2006.

1. Do frogs really sit on lily pads
2. Nine Inch Gails (obviously a typo, which makes it even more hilarious)
3. Feeling lyrics Pantene
4. Zombie Cake
5. Hip hop punk funk mambo ska (when one search phrase must cover all the basses)
6. When did Nikki Sixx get sober
7. Myspace.com/how I became the bomb
8. AOL sucks
9. As gay as pink suede (I must have once used this phrase in an article)
10. Beyonce’s Ass