Tag Archives: crafts

Easter Holiday Activity Ideas 2022

happy easter yellow door

The Easter holidays are coming up and it’s an ideal time to relax and enjoy some fun activities. Whether you’re looking to spend quality time with your family or enjoy a getaway with your friends, the Easter holidays represent the perfect opportunity. Below, we explore some of the best ideas for fun activities.
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String Lights Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles!

Recycled Bottle Lights
All Photos By Gail

In the first week of December, I was invited to a fantastically fun Tree Trimming Party at The Norwood House, a private Arts and Culture club located in a multi-story townhouse on West 14th Street in Manhattan. The club is filled with beautiful contemporary artworks, rare collectibles and antiques, and eye-catching oddities throughout its many rooms. While I was exploring, I spotted this string of large, irregularly-shaped colored lights, which were  draped around a bust nestled on a stairway landing, and they grabbed my attention right away. Because, colored lights.
Continue reading String Lights Made From Recycled Plastic Bottles!

4 Tips For Having Fun at Home

fun at home tent
Image Source

Whether you’re trying to scale back your expenses, simplify your lifestyle, or make the most of your property, it’s likely that you’re spending a lot of your time at home. This shouldn’t feel like a compromise. Instead, it should feel like a fabulous opportunity to try new experiences, have fun with your loved ones, and embrace a positive mindset. If you are struggling to see the joys in spending your time at home, you’ll need to work your way through the following four tips. They will help you to get the most out of your living space and will save you from looking back in regret.
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Pink Thing Of The Day: Bag of Pink Pom Poms

Pin Pom Poms In Bag
All Photos By Gail

When I see something like this, a bag of assorted-sized Pink Pom Poms, I want to buy it just to own it, even if I have no practical use for said pop poms — because it’s not like I am person who does crafts, or anything like that. Continue reading Pink Thing Of The Day: Bag of Pink Pom Poms

Despicable Me Characters Made From Pumpkins!

Despicable Me Pumpkins
Photo By Angelique Schipani

OK, I know Halloween was last month, but I could not resist sharing this photo of two absolutely adorable and super clever characters from the Despicable Me movie franchise (Felonious Gru and Stuart the Minion) as rendered with pumpkins! What a great idea to turn the pumpkin on its side and use its stem for Gru’s long nose! Amazing!

These pumpkins were created by Max and Marco, sons of a dear friend. Well done, guys!