Tag Archives: gardens

Designing Your Dream Garden: Creating an Outdoor Paradise

english wildflower garden photo by gail worley
Wildflower Garden Attracts Pollinators (All Photos By Gail)

A well-designed garden is a sanctuary where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, connect with nature, and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a compact urban space, creating your dream garden is an achievable and rewarding endeavor.
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Ten Summer Blooms From English Gardens

orange ruffled begonia photo by gail worley
Orange Ruffled Begonia (All Photos By Gail)

If you follow me on Instagram, then you know that I was recently in London enjoying a fabulous ten day vacation. Each day brought a new adventure of museums, galleries, cultural sites, scenic walks, shopping, eating and, of course, people watching. And just about everywhere we went, there were beautiful gardens giving me a reason to pull out my iPhone and immortalize its unique beauty. As summer comes out an end, please enjoy this selection of ten (plus one bonus) favorite random blossoms spotted in various areas of beautiful London!
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How to Design and Create a Modern Garden

assorted plants with trees photography Photo by Creative Vix on Pexels.com

Are you looking to create a space where you can spend time during warm summer evenings? A modern garden might be an ideal addition to your backyard, since it adds form, function, comfort, and beauty to your property.

Whether you want to infuse a modern look and feel or give your existing garden the much-needed TLC, you are in the right place. There are plenty of ways you can create your garden or bring it up-to-date by incorporating the latest trends in the world of gardening, landscaping, and home design.
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Upcyling Wooden Pallets for Creative Uses in The Garden

garden path from wooden pallets
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Garden Walkway

There are times when a garden path becomes more than just a way to move through the landscape; it can also become a focal point. A wood pallet, even when dismantled, can be a great element in your garden. Making a wood pallet walkway is going to be an improvement because it will prevent you from compacting wet soil. It’s a good idea to use it in low-traffic areas of your garden; this means no garden carts or heavy wheelbarrows here.
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Easter Holiday Activity Ideas 2022

happy easter yellow door

The Easter holidays are coming up and it’s an ideal time to relax and enjoy some fun activities. Whether you’re looking to spend quality time with your family or enjoy a getaway with your friends, the Easter holidays represent the perfect opportunity. Below, we explore some of the best ideas for fun activities.
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