Tag Archives: Pop

Yes, It Exists: Mr. Poopy Butthole Doll

Mr Poopy Butthole
Photo By Gail

I saw this little guy in the Barnes and Noble shop in Union Square, and was so tickled by his name alone that I had to snap a photo for the sole purpose of featuring him in this week’s Yes, It Exists column. From what I can garner off the interwebs, Mr. Poopy Butthole is character on the Adult Swim cartoon series, Rick & Morty, which I have only just started watching. If you feel compelled to know more about Mr. Poopy Butthole — and really, who could blame you for being curious — he has his own Wiki page located at This Link!

Miniature Andy Warhol Painted Campbell’s Soup Cans

Warhol Mini Campbells Soup Cans

What you can’t see in this photo is the “No Photography” Sign, which, seriously, I didn’t even notice!!

Recommended Listening: Palmyra Delran, You Are What You Absorb

You Are What You Absorb

Well known on the NYC rock scene as the guitarist and primary songwriter behind retro garage-pop quartet The Friggs, Palmyra Delran is a bit of a local music icon. While The Friggs never broke commercially, they opened for legendary bands such as The Ramones and Cheap Trick, earning a devote regional following as well as solid professional props for being an “all-girl” band that could rock as hard as any group of guys. In her second solo venture, Delran stays close to the layered pop sound she helped to hone in The Friggs, while continuing to demonstrate innovation with regard to arrangements and intriguing personal storytelling in songs that draw the listener into her very relatable world.
Continue reading Recommended Listening: Palmyra Delran, You Are What You Absorb