Tag Archives: quotes

The George Michael Collection at Christie’s

George Michael Collection
All Photos By Gail

For true pop music devotees — and particularly for those who came of age in the ’70s and ’80s2016 delivered a year of The Day The Music Died-level emotional trauma on a monthly basis. Like some kind of Plague Upon the Rock Stars, 2016 wiped out an entire lifetimes’ worth of legends, including David Bowie in early January, then Keith Emerson in March, Prince in April, Leonard Cohen in November and, as the year’s final fuck you — on Christmas day no less — we lost George Michael. Continue reading The George Michael Collection at Christie’s

Modern Art Monday Presents: Portrait of Pat Whalen By Alice Neel

Pat Whalen
Photo By Gail

Over the course of a career that stretched from the 1920s to the 1980s, Alice Neel painted portraits of hundreds of friends, family members, lovers, artists art historians, writers, and political activists, believing that “people are the greatest and profoundest key to an era.” Seeking to express psychology above absolute physical likeness, she often used exaggerated colors and expressive brushstrokes and eliminated extraneous details in order to capture the inner lives of her subjects.

Neel was a longtime supporter of leftist causes. In the painting of Pat Whalen (1935), she depicts the Communist activist and union organizer for the longshoremen of Baltimore as a paragon of social justice. Whalen’s creased face and expression — along with a copy of the Daily Worker, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, resting beneath his large, clenched — suggest both a noble archetype of the blue-collar worker and an all-consuming commitment to the working man’s cause.

Photographed in the Whitney Museum in NYC.

Meow Cat Woman T Shirt!

CatWoman T Shirt

If you dug Michelle Pfeifer’s deranged take on Batman’s seductive nemesis, Catwoman, then you must own this Meow T Shirt designed by CarloJ1956. It comes in lots colors and sizes and is currently on sale for 20% off the regular price of just $21.95 at This Link!

CatWoman T Shirt Full

Pink Thing of the Day: David Bowie Quote on Book Spines

David Bowie Quote on Book Spines
Photo By Gail

This quote by the late great David Bowie — “Tomorrow Belongs to Those Who Can Hear it Coming” — gets a vibrant new life when printed on the spines of horizontally stacked book that have been wrapped in pink paper or vinyl. According to this source, “Tomorrow belongs to those who can hear it coming” was the slogan David Bowie coined to promote Heroes, the second installment of his great Berlin album trilogy. It neatly captures one of his most important talents: to intuit the future and draw it forward into the popular culture of the present. Continue reading Pink Thing of the Day: David Bowie Quote on Book Spines

Fun Zoolander Trivia!

Zoolander Trivia You Need to Know Infographic

Blowing the fashion world  away with Blue Steel and teaching us that there really is more to life than being really, really ridiculously good looking, Derek Zoolander first became an icon back in 2001. Now that he’s about to hit our screens again in Zoolander 2 (opening February 12th) how much do you know about the male supermodel that’s SO handsome it makes the rest of the world throw up and feel bad about themselves? Catch up, or recap, with our new infographic of essential Zoolander trivia, most memorable quotes and some of Derek Zoolander’s most hilarious Instagram posts. Enjoy!

Zoolander Trivia You Need to Know Infographic

Thanks to Morph Suits for the Image!