Tag Archives: nfts

How NFTs Are Changing the Way We Think About Art 

green trees near body of water painting
Photo by Mo Eid on Pexels.com

Since our ancestors first drew stories on cave walls, art has been an integral part of our lives. Throughout history, art has undergone numerous changes driven by the invention of new artistic movements and the adoption of technologies. One significant milestone that’s revolutionized how we engage with artworks online is the emergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), impacting not only  the technological sphere but also the artistic landscape.
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Just a Girl Paste-Up Series By Goldloxe

goldloxe snow globe photo by gail worley
All Photos By Gail

Street art aficionados know that Freeman Alley is the premier spot on the LES for checking out contemporary street art as it is happening. The alley’s visual landscape of wheat pastes, stickers and stencils changes daily, so I like to head over there a few times a month to see what’s new and share the best discoveries here on the site. It was during a visit in mid-February that I started seeing the art of Goldloxe in a series of paste-ups depicting  nearly identical little girls — wearing baby doll dresses,  Mary Janes shoes and bobby socks — which are part of her Just a Girl collection. For Goldloxe, these girls are all about “Celebrating unapologetic women who won’t stop pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo.” Heck yeah!
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Blow Your Mind at Cascade: A Jen Stark Experience!

cascade by jen stark photo by gail worley
All Photos and Videos By Gail

When it comes to unique activities (especially on a rainy day like today), I don’t think you could plan better than to spend an hour inside Cascade: A Jen Stark Experience; an immersive, interactive, wildly psychedelic digital art experience presented across 6,000 square feet of exhibition space at the William Vale Hotel in Brooklyn. If you’re curious whether Cascade — which is currently competing with two immersive digital Van Gogh exhibits, and Banksy’s Genius or Vandal — is worth the trek from Manhattan to Brooklyn, let me assure you that it is all that and a bag of shrooms.

Come take a peek inside.

cascade entrance photo by gail worley

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Summer Edition of the LA Art Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center

la art show floor
Above Image Courtesy LA Art Show. All Other Photos by Geoffrey Dicker Except Where Noted

This is a Guest Post by LA-based Correspondent Geoffrey Dicker

The WorleyGig has gone bi-costal! The Summer Edition of the 25th Annual LA Art Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center  has returned as one of the first major art events in Southern California since the pandemic started in 2020. I attended the VIP preview on July 29th to catch a glimpse of what’s on view for West Coast readers of The ‘Gig.

photo by geoffrey dicker
Damien Hirst, Gold Cat From Egypt (Ai Bo Gallery)

The show features an eclectic mix of art, including favorites such as Damien Hirst, massive installations such as The Grind  by G Bauerbach (pictured below) and the hottest commodity in the art world, the ubiquitous NFTs (Non Fungible Tokens).

the grind by g bauerbach photo by geoffrey dicker

Continue reading Summer Edition of the LA Art Show at the Los Angeles Convention Center