Tag Archives: Stores

Cheese That Looks Like a Cake

Cheese Cake
Not a Cheesecake (All Photos By Gail)

The French Cheese Board opened its first US concept store in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood in Mid-May, and we attended the opening party; because, free cheese! At this boutique storefront, which is located at 41 Spring Street, Certified Cheese Masters will showcase their knowledge of flavor chemistry and cheese and beverage pairings.
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Damien Hirst Spin Chair

Damien Hirst Spin Chair
All Photos by Gail

The problem with an item of furniture that is also an expensive piece of collectible art is that you tend to not want to use it for its originally intended function, which would be, of course, to sit on it. Because we’ve all been told countless items to refrain from touching the art, let alone putting our asses on it.

This unique Spin Chair by artist Damien Hirst, specifically entitled Beautiful Arrested Development,  can be found at Other Criteria, Hirst’s gift shop on Broome Street in NYC’s Soho district, selling for $13,400. Bring your Black Card.

Damien Hirst Spin Chair

Cupcakes Cake Stand

Cupcake Stand

You know how Cupcakes are so trending right now. Cupcake stores are popping up everywhere you look, just like Starbucks. I mean, they even have cupcake baking “Wars” on TV and everything. Cupcakes! If you are going to be baking any cupcakes of your own, or buying them in fancy cupcake stores but serving them in your home, you probably want a fancy plate for this. Here is one I really like.
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Georgetown Cupcake Debuts in Soho!

Georgetown Cupcake Opening Party
Photos By Anne Raso

Last evening, we dined on cupcakes and champagne — not kidding – at a festive and fancy launch party for the newest location (Prince Street in Soho) of Georgetown Cupcake, officially opening to the public on Saturday February 11, 2012. Some killjoys and curmudgeons may speculate that the Cupcake Craze is on the wane, but there is much evidence to the contrary. It seems to us that there are specialists in this niche of the baking spectrum who are just getting started in their quest to do these tiny cakes differently / better than any other bakers! Georgetown Cupcake certainly has a foothold in the realm of doing whatever it takes to bring Cupcakes to, as they say, the next level.
Continue reading Georgetown Cupcake Debuts in Soho!