Tag Archives: bourbon

Product Review: Your Favorite Flavored Coffee Made With Guilt-Free Skinny Syrups and Sauces

skinny syrups and sauces photo by ail worley
All Photos By Gail

You might recall that we gave some love to Jordan’s Skinny Mixes sugar-free syrups a while back, so we were naturally thrilled to received a goodie box in the mail packed with new products from their line of Skinny no-guilt sweeteners. Let me introduce you to new Salted Caramel Sauce,  Dark Chocolate Espresso Sauce, and Maple Bourbon Pecan Syrup as the perfect guilt-free addition to your morning routine.

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Emmy Inspired Cocktails Courtesy of Sparkling ICE!

Sparkling ICE Spring Water Ad

With the Emmy Awards airing tonight, and your Drinking Game already in hand, why not enjoy the show with a couple of low-calorie cocktails? The recipes below feature Sparkling ICE, a naturally flavored sparkling water that is zero calories, gluten-free, lightly carbonated…and a delicious addition to any mixed drink. Sparkling ICE contains B-Vitamins and Vitamin D, along with a caffeine-free Green Tea Extract, which contains healthy antioxidants.

And now, to the drinking!

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NYFW Cocktail of The Day: The Market Editor

The Market Editor


Anyone who spends half their time on an airplane searching for the newest designs always looks forward to the comforts of home. In this case it is a sparkling version of a “whiskey sour”.

2 oz quality American Bourbon (Whiskey)

1 oz freshly squeezed lemon juice

Egg white

Polar® Vanilla Seltzer

(if you need to sweeten it add a teaspoon of agave)

Vigorously shake the whiskey, lemon juice and egg white in a shaker. Once there is a bit of froth pour over ice in a double old-fashioned glass. Top generously with Polar® Seltzer.

Remember The King with a Shake Rattle & Rock Cocktail Shot!

Elvis Cocktail Shake Rattle and Rock

Although he’s been gone for over thirty years, Elvis is still known as The King of Rock n’ Roll! To celebrate his passionate career, Basil Hayden’s Bourbon teamed up with top LA mixologist Damian Windsor to create a cocktail-style shot that combines sweet and salty flavors mixed with the trademark spicy finish of Basil Hayden’s Bourbon. Damian’s creation was inspired by two of  The King’s favorite foods – Banana and Peanut Butter – and the growing trend to create bourbon cocktail-style shots using savory ingredients.
Continue reading Remember The King with a Shake Rattle & Rock Cocktail Shot!

Bacon Thing of The Day: Make Your Own Bacon Infused Bourbon

New York Magazine’s website has posted a delicious-sounding cocktail recipe for an Old Fashioned made with maple syrup and bacon-infused bourbon. Coincidentally, I was just watching a show on the Food Network the other day where the host made bacon-infused vodka and it looked super easy. I bet this bacony bourbon would be easy to make as well. You can find out for yourself since there are step by step directions on how to make batch at this link on NYMag.com. Try it out and then invite me over for cocktails!