Tag Archives: penis

Pink Thing of The Day: Pink Phallus Kiddie Ride

Pink Phallus Kiddie Ride Side View
Photo By Gail

Some of you with very good memories might recall that this photo — taken at André Saraiva’s Andrépolis exhibit at The Hole Gallery — was originally posted here back in the Summer of 2012, but had to be removed from the blog due to complaints by Google Ads, who thought it was endorsing some kind of Adult Toy. I don’t have Google Ads on this blog anymore, so I put it back up. Fuck those guys.

Modern Art Monday Presents: Yayoi Kusama’s Accumulation No.1

Yayoi Kusama Accumulation No.1
Accumulation No. 1, 1962 (Photos By Gail)

Japanese sculptor, painter, writer, installation artist and performance artist Yayoi Kusama is one of my favorite living artists, because she is just so darn rad. This week, Yayoi makes her Modern Art Monday debut. Welcome, talented lady! Continue reading Modern Art Monday Presents: Yayoi Kusama’s Accumulation No.1

Why I Would Want Miley Cyrus to Throw My Bachelorette Party

Miley Cyrus and Crew
Image Source

I think we can all agree that Miley Cyrus could throw the best, most phallic-inspired bachelorette party the world has ever seen.

The girl clearly knows how to party. The majority of her “makeover” since she started trying to shed her Disney image in 2008 has been based on over-the-top blowouts, crazy stage performances, scandalous outfits and tipsy nights out on the town. Combined together, all of these would make for one hell of a Henit.ie type of bachelorette party. Continue reading Why I Would Want Miley Cyrus to Throw My Bachelorette Party

Sarah Lucas, Nud Nob at Gladstone Gallery

Metalic Gourd
All Photos By Gail

If you enjoy looking at sculptures of dicks and phallus-shaped objects, then have I got an art exhibit for you! Sarah Lucas’s Nud Nob, up now at the Gladstone Gallery, features a series of large-scale bronze and cast-concrete sculptures displayed either on pedestals or installed directly on the gallery floor. Most of them look like penises. Just being serious.
Continue reading Sarah Lucas, Nud Nob at Gladstone Gallery

Pink Thing of the Day: Pink Cannon Sculpture

Pink Cannon Sculpture
Image Source

Yes, we know what else this lovely pink thing looks like. But this silicone sculpture of a hot pink cannon is part of an exhibit that includes a larger grouping of the identical sculptures (see photo below) from an exhibit at the Ankara Galeri in Turkey. From what we gather courtesy of Google Translate, the exhibit, which took place in late 2011, was called Generation of Defense. Very Nice!

Pink Cannon Sculptures